Sunday, March 16, 2014

One thing leads to another

     I  thought my passport was lost to the abyss that is my storage unit in Roanoke.  I couldn't find it.  This saddened me because it's slightly less of a hassle to renew a passport than applying for a new one.  It saddened me mostly because it's my passport - I made it to the UK.  Sentimental reasons, you know.
     This week I read a Proverbs 31 devotion ( that I related to.  The author writes about how her "treasures" had become burdens and how she had somehow let her stuff define her.
     For several weeks now I've been thinking of dumping some things, but the idea remained a thought.  Then I read this devotion and felt I should just do it.  As God would have it, some people I knew in college are adopting (read their story here: and to help raise funds are holding a garage sale; they're asking for donated items.
     So Friday night before I went to bed, I asked God for the motivation and help to purge some things -- a very hard thing for me to do of my own volition. 
     I did pretty well.  I boxed up (about two boxes) some movies I don't really want, including some boxed TV sets I'll probably never watch again (The OC and Felicity).  I'm getting rid of some books I've read that I feel no need to keep.  I didn't bother going through the clothes in my closet this time or some of the older boxes in the garage -- gave myself a break there.
     I found a few things I'd been looking for too, things I knew were somewhere in the bottom of the those boxes in the garage that I couldn't bring myself to dig through -- my movie ticket "scrapbook" and my study abroad photo album.  Finally found my copy of Lady in Waiting -- one of the gals in my Bible study has been waiting for someone to bring her a copy.  And I pulled out Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book to read.  Also found the Part One movie version of this, which I thought was lost.  Pulled out my old Britain and Ireland travel guide to look through as I'm planning a trip to London next late spring/early summer (anybody care to join me, seriously speaking?).
     I felt pretty good about the amount of stuff in the give-away pile.  Normally, as I told my Bible study gals, I attempt to purge and am very discouraged by the pitiful pile of "get rid" items.  But I did well this time by God's grace.  And it didn't take all day like usual either.  Well, it kind of did, but only because I stopped for breaks -- you know to eat lunch and all.  I watched This is 40, which really made me laugh despite the abundant overuse of the F-word.  It also made me appreciate my dad more.  Haha.
     So, overall, a good purge day.  I'm exhausted though.  Overslept this morning for 9 AM church service; thought, I'll go to 10:45 service.  Finally dragged myself out of bed into the shower.  When I got out the clock said 10:47; so I guess going to church today is a bust.  I'll do church at home today (i.e. find an online sermon).  I decided I'd go to Starbucks for an hour of writing, which has become part of my Sunday routine.
     As I was getting ready to go out, I picked up my old Britain and Ireland travel guide to take a look at the London neighborhood I want to explore next year, and there among the pages -- my passport.

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